My Name is Salt goes crowd funding
First time ever on a crowd-funding platform! Still feels a bit strange, but hopefully this will pass by the end of the 45 days.
Here’s the link:
If you like the project, please help us and tell others – your friends-of-friends-of-friends are our chance to reach our goal! And the next few days are crucial: It’s an all-or-nothing deal – if we miss our target the money goes back to the backers.
Thanks so much for your support!
Wow. I’ve never been so captured and moved by a documentary before. I’ve had the gift of being in Bangalore for a month. All I saw there and this movie have touched my spirit.
Please do not be offended because I do not know of your religious beliefs. But, as a Christian I pray God’s blessings on you all.
Please continue to create such emotionally moving pieces of film art.
Thanks, Lester. Much appreciated.